Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Travel Expenses application version 1.8 has been published on the Android Market.

The new features which have been added to this version are the following

  • Added a time field for the start and end of a trip respectively
  • Enable to user to add a recurring expense (like breakfast, lunch, dinner etc.) to each day of a trip with a few simple clicks. For example, for a trip lasting five days, the user will be able to add a breakfast entry for each day by doing the following:
    • Click the "Recurring" button on the trip details screen
    • Selecting the expense type ( "Food" )
    • Enter the number of items to add for each day ( in this case 1 )
    • Enter the total number of items to add to the trip ( in this case 5 )
    • Enter the date to start adding the items ( the date the trip starts )
    • Entering the amount of the expense ( let's say 10.00 )
    • Optionally entering a comment ( "Breakfast" )
    • Clicking "OK"

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Travel Expenses application version 1.8 is currently in the testing phase. The release on the Android Market will likely be on or about December 11th.

The new features which have been added to this version are the following

  • Added a time field for the start and end of a trip respectively
  • Enable to user to add a recurring expense (like breakfast, lunch, dinner etc.) to each day of a trip with a few simple clicks. For example, for a trip lasting five days, the user will be able to add a breakfast entry for each day by doing the following:
    • Click the "Recurring" button on the trip details screen
    • Selecting the expense type ( "Food" )
    • Enter the number of items to add for each day ( in this case 1 )
    • Enter the total number of items to add to the trip ( in this case 5 )
    • Enter the date to start adding the items ( the date the trip starts )
    • Entering the amount of the expense ( let's say 10.00 )
    • Optionally entering a comment ( "Breakfast" )
    • Clicking "OK"

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Travel Expenses application version 1.7 has been published on the Android Market.

The key features which have been added to this version are:
  • Export a single trip from the overview screen by long clicking it and selecting "Export"
  • Added a new type of status for the trips: Ready to export
  • When exporting any number of trips from the export screen, the user will be able to add page breaks between each trip.