Thursday, January 3, 2013

Travel Expenses version 3.0

Version 3.0 of the Travel Expenses app will soon be available on Google Play.

This version has a new feature: Rated items.

Rated items are items which have a value (such as reimbursements for mileage). You set the rate and then simply specify the amount of miles or kilometers when you're adding expenses. Of course you can use this feature for other things than miles or kilometers. Ounces,  grams and kilograms will also work. Liters and gallons too.

The Travel Expenses app will not contain any rated items by default in order to keep the database and the size of the app to a minimum. However, once you start up the app, you will be able to download pre-configured rated items from the Travel Expenses website. You simply have to choose your country, and the app will display a list of rated item that you can install.

For now users in the following countries will be able to download and install pre-configured rated items

  • The United States of America
  • Norway
  • Great Britain
  • Ireland
  • France
If you are a user in a country which is not found above (Australia, India, Austria, Germany, Netherlands etc..), you can send me a request and I'll add the required information to the download database. Please use the e-mail address of your Google Play account (the one used to purchase the app) to contact me, or your request will be ignored. I'll need the following information (It doesn't have to be in english)

  1. The name of the rated expense: (for example: IRS-standard mileage. 0.55 dollars per mile)
  2. The rate : 0.55 dollars/mile
  3. The value of a constant if there is one: (for France if you go over 5001 kilometers in a calendar year there's a constant added. 845 euro, and the rate per kilometer changes)

As always, you'll be able to create your own rated expense items, delete and modify. Simply go the the setup screen and scroll down to the "Rated Items" section.

Version 3.0 is still in the testing phase, but it will be available soon. No later than the 10th of January.


  1. thanks for sharing
    this information its really amazing, this site has a lot of useful resources

    Android Apps
